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Akilla Miller

New Year Declaration - 1/4/2021

This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad. I thank you Father for your wonderful grace - it’s kept me and carried me through the previous year. Thank you for Your love and faithfulness. You are God and above you there is no other. I will declare your word over my life. Your word is truth and life to my soul. Your word will not fail and guides my obedience. I am committed to obeying your word. To living a life completely guided by your Spirit. I am an overcomer through Christ Jesus. With you I will overcome and have victory no matter the trial. I am committed to holding fast to you. You alone are my source and strength. You are steadfast and a constant friend. Above anything else this year, I declare my commitment to You. To obey your voice. To living completely in your truth. Purge me if and hindrances, distractions, and fears. Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me.

Thank you for another opportunity to live for you, to serve you. I am who you say I am. I can do all that you say I can do. I am led by your Spirit.

This is the day the Lord has made.

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