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Akilla Miller

I’ll just say yes

Why does it seem so easy to say yes to people, but when it comes to the things of God, we’re hesitant? I think it’s because we know saying yes to God may mean we have to change things about ourselves. And, that’s true. Saying yes is costly. We don’t always know exactly what we’re saying yes to. Yes to obedience. Yes to sacrifice. Yes to trusting God. That yes can mean a lot. If a person ask us for something, most of the time we know exactly what they want which leaves way for an exact answer. With God, there is a level of faith and trust that must cover your yes. No matter the what, when it comes to God, our response should always be yes.

One of my favorite stories in the Bible was about a centurion named Cornelius. The Bible said he was a devout man who feared God. When the Angel of the Lord came to him and instructed him to send me to get Simon Peter, he was obedient. He knew it was a risk sending his men and that Peter may not have come, but his response was still obedience. The part I love about the story is that Cornelius’ yes lead to the Gentiles receiving Holy Spirit. His yes set the stage for the Gentiles to be children of the adoption. Acts chapter 10

So, my Sisters have you been holding back on your yes? Have you been allowing uncertainty to be the deciding factor in your obedience? Don’t be like Peter. If you keep reading the story, you’ll see that Peter refused to obey the voice of God and almost missed out in seeing the Gentiles filled with the Holy Spirit.

It’s time to say yes. No more second guessing. Let obedience guide your heart. God is looking for a people that will say yes regardless of the situation.


Father I pray that every person reading this would respond to you with a yes. Saying yes to you is the best decision one could make. Yes to your will and your plan. Yes to trusting you. Yes to letting go. Yes to believing. The answer is yes. And, as we say yes to You, give us the strength to say no to everything that displeases you. You are our source and strength. You are the one who guides our way. Our answer will always be yes. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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